softball practice plans, softball drills, Elevate your Softball Game
Softball Practice Planning

Softball Skills Development

Softball is a complicated sport with complicated rules and complicated skills. Our teams will benefit most if we can simplify our softball skills development by teaching the game and use a fundamental approach rather than a race [Read More]

softball success challenge
Softball Assessment Tools

Softball Skills Challenge

The Softball Skills Challenge is composed of 5 skills, designed to test the athlete’s various softball skills.  Each athlete must participate in each event in order to be eligible to win or place in this [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Softball Podcasts

Softball Signals

Softball Signals On this episode, I am going to talk about signals in softball.  We are all familiar with offensive signals but I am going to explore the defensive ones as well. Signals are essentially [Read More]

softball scouting
Softball Assessment Tools

Softball Scouting

Softball scouting is something that many  coaches are doing every time they are at the ballpark during the off season and regular season.  It could be for the purpose of gathering information for the when [Read More]

softball rubric
Softball Assessment Tools

Softball Rubric

A softball rubric is a format used to evaluate skills that provides a clear picture of the capabilities of the players or team.  It is based on 4 criteria that range from poor to excellent [Read More]

Retirement From Softball
The Softball Game

Softball Retirement

Athletes that have been involved in softball at a high level for most of their lives are accustomed to a certain level of day to day activity which might include fitness training, mental training and [Read More]

softball reflections
Softball Assessment Tools

Softball Reflections

The season is done.  Now what do you do?  This is the time for Softball Reflections. Softball Reflections This is the time to reflect on the previous season and evaluate your successes and things you [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Softball Podcasts

Softball Recruiting

Softball Recruiting Today I am going to talk about getting the most suitable players to your team.  Most teams every year are looking for at least one player to fill a spot.  As you know [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Softball Podcasts

Softball Record Keeping

Lets talk about softball record keeping and how many coaches are record keeping with games already, but do other activities have a record keeping purpose.  Do you have your athletes keeping records?  What are some [Read More]

softball pre season questionnaire
Softball Assessment Tools

Softball Pre Season Questionnaire

Following is a Pre Season Questionnaire to get started once your softball  team is set, that will give you  some idea for planning your season and how you might work with individual players.  It is critical that [Read More]