Quick Focusing Strategies for Softball
Softball Concentration

Quick Focusing Strategies for Softball

Focusing during a game can be difficult.  Following are just a few quick focusing strategies for softball that can be sued when preparing for competition.  This might be a part of a pre game routine [Read More]

Progressive Relaxation for Softball
Softball Emotional Control

Progressive Relaxation for Softball

Progressive relaxation for softball is a great way to prepare for a game and to take away any anxiety that may have come from your activities of the day or concerns about the upcoming game. [Read More]

Pre Season Mental Training
Mental Preparation

Pre Season Mental Training

Pre Season Mental Training Mental training is a skill that is generally the first one to be left out in a time crunch. Softball though is a very psychological sport that requires the ability to [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Softball Concentration

Softball Focus to Meltdown

Softball Focus to Meltdown Today we are going to talk about the Mental game of softball.  The focus to meltdown effect that we have all experienced.  That transition that occurs around inning 3 or 4 [Read More]

Pitchers Mental Training
Mental Preparation

Pitchers Mental Training

Pitchers Mental Training Review What kinds of things do you feel effect your pitching during games: External (ie: coaches, teammates, parents, noise etc.) Internal (ie: nervous, your own expectations, etc.) List the following phases for [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Softball Coaching Tools

Motivating Your Softball Team

Motivating Your Softball Team Today I am going to talk about motivating athletes to develop work ethic and self direction in managing their own improvement successes in softball. It is the best way to not [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Mental Preparation

Introducing Mental Training Skills

What is the best way for introducing softball mental training skills during the softball pre-season?  We all know that these are skills that everyone can benefit from, but it is not uncommon for teams to [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Mental Preparation

5 Second Softball Transition

5 Second Softball Transition Today I am going to talk about the transition from one play to the next.  This could be while on the field or during an at bat.  The 5 second transition [Read More]

Taking A Softball Break - Taking Softball Risks - the white board - Softball Hitting Coaches - softball academy podcast, Preparing for Softball Tournaments, Dealing With Errors
Mental Preparation

Dealing With Errors

Dealing With Errors talks about how errors can effect performance and some tools that players can use to deal with them. Dealing With Errors Today I am going to talk about shaking off errors. This [Read More]

creating team culture
Softball Team Building Activities

Creating Team Culture

Creating softball team culture is something that can make or break a season.  How often have you seen a team that starts out the season with no problems.  Everyone seems to be getting along with [Read More]