Softball Outfielder Drop Drill

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills

The drop step is the first step taken when moving to a ball that is not hit directly at the fielder.  One to the right is taken when the ball is traveling to the right and slightly behind the fielder and to the left is taken for a ball that is traveling slightly to the left and slightly behind the fielder. This Outfielder Drop Drill will help outfielders to learn to use the drop step properly and practice changing direction while keeping eyes on the ball.

As we know it is not always easy to determine exactly where a fly ball is going to land.  Even if we use the peak of the flight which is most time show we tell fielders to judge the direction of the ball, there are other factors that will effect the flight.  On a windy day for example, there are times when the outfielder will need to even change direction more than one time.

Softball Outfielder Drop Drill

A coach is behind second with a bucket of balls.  A line of players is behind the coach, one player steps out and faces the coach.

Facing the player, the coach holds up a ball and points it to either the left or the right.  The player drop steps in that direction.  The coach then holds the ball on the other side so that the player changes direction using a drop step.  The coach changes direction one more time, the player drop steps and changes direction.  The coach then throws a fly ball in that direction for the player to catch.  The player makes the catch and then gets into position to throw back to the next player in line by the coach.

She then takes her place at the end of the line and the next player steps out.

Outfielder Drop Drill