This Softball Fielding Throwing Catching Drill is used to have everyone participate in fielding, catching and throwing. See how far the team can go without making any errors.
Softball Fielding Throwing Catching Drill
Have everyone spread out evenly into a deep infield position. Place two fielders at first base, with one on the bag and another backing up the bag. Have an assistant be the catcher or use another player.
Start the drill by coach yelling, “ready!” This should be the cue for getting all the players into a ready position.
The coach then hit grounders or fly balls to them. As coach, be sure that players’ verbally call all fly balls. On grounders, make sure they set up using good fielding mechanics and keep the ball in front of them. Once the catch is made, a good throw to first base is the next step. The first basemen then throws the ball to the catcher.
If a ball is missed, the player missing the ball runs and retrieves the ball. Then he runs back and rolls the ball into the backstop while everyone else continues on with the drill. After they all have received at least one ball hit to them, call for them to switch. At that time the player that is backing up the first baseman becomes the first baseman. The first baseman goes to where third would be and everyone else rotates toward first.
If you want to add to the drill, have the players set up around the field and have them field and then throw to second for a double play ball. This would require 2 players at second as there are at first. Or you can also have them throw to home.
Keep the drill flowing so that the players need to be ready all the time. If they are not getting ready, pause the drill and wait for them to get set again. You would be amazed at how players respond to silence. Once everyone is ready again, ask if they are ready and let them respond that they are. Then begin again. Make their positioning their choice and they will be ready all the time.