Right field is a critical position in this game. This softball right field handout can be helpful for players and coaches. We often hear coaches talk about putting players in right field because maybe they are not as strong as other players. The fact is that this fielder is going to save a lot of runs and can even get outs from her position. She needs to have a strong arm for those throws to home or to third base when the runner is attempting to advance form first on a base hit. Backing up the line and overthrows where most of the throws are made in the game makes this position one of the most valuable. Be sure to tell your players that as you relegate them to what they think is the “weak Player” position.
Softball Right Field Duties
Backing up the Center Fielder
- if the ball is hit to the center field, with a runner on first base, you need to get over to help her in case the ball gets past her so that it can back to the infield as soon as possible
- as soon as the ball is hit to her, you need to run in that direction right away so that you are there in case she needs back up
Backing up 2nd base
- if the ball is hit to the left side with a runner on first base, you need to be ready to back up second base in case they throw the ball there
Backing up 1st base
- if there are no runners on base and the ball is hit to an infielder you need to be ready to back up first base for when they throw the ball there
- run to the foul side or behind the first base player in case the
ball gets past her and you can stop it
Fielding the ball
- you need to be ready if the ball gets past the second base or first base player so that you can get it right away
- you can get an out at second or first base if you are quick to the ball
- you are an extra infielder
- if there is a fly ball, and you can catch it, tell the infielder by calling your name that you will catch it so they do not have to try to move backwards to get it
- you are one of the last lines of defense which is a critical position