Softball Grounder Fly Ball Fielding Drill

Softball Offense Defense Drill

This Softball Grounder Fly Ball Fielding Drill is great for having players stay focused during the drill and to keep the drill moving quickly.  The game is not a “when you are ready” activity.  Things are happening through the entire competition and the team needs to be moving somewhere on every every ball that is hit.

Softball Grounder Fly Ball Fielding Drill

Make 2 lines of players one behind the other about 3 feet apart.  The coach at each line hits a ground ball to the first person in the line then a high fly ball to the next person as soon as the first person throws the ball back to the coach.  After the person in front of the line fields the ball they go to the back of the next line. Use 2 lines so that there is less standing around waiting for a turn at the ball.  Sometimes it is easier to throw the grounders and fly balls so that you can keep the line moving quickly.  We are not always good at hitting high fly balls depending on how close the line is to you.

You can modify the drill by having the players throw the ball to second base and first base.  The line at third for example can throw to second and the line between first and second can throw to first.  The deeper the lines the harder the balls are delivered to them.  The players can either throw, or underhand toss the balls to the bases also depending on how close they are to them.

Have them throw to different bases but make sure that they are not throwing to the same base for safety reasons.

If the ball is missed, keep hitting and have the player that missed the ball retrieve it and put it in a bucket near by.  This drill is good for foot speed, fielding and personal effort. Speed it up as players advance.

Softball Grounder Fly Ball Fielding Drill