Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Communication

Softball Blind Communication Drill

Communication as we know is critical in softball.  It is used in every aspect of this game.  It will be even more critical in this softball blind communication drill because the players can not see each [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Baserunning Drills

Softball Baserunning Speed Drill

This softball baserunning speed drill is a simple drill that puts the pressure on the players on the field while runners are on the move.  It also puts importance on good baserunning mechanic by the [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Baserunning Drills

Softball Baserunning Lead Off Drill

This softball baserunning lead off drill is perfect when you do not have a lot of time to practice with your team and they are fairly new.  Or as a quick drill when you have [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Baserunning Drills

Softball Base Race Drill

One of the most favorite activities at the end of a game is called the base race, also known as the dragon drill.  Here we call it a softball base race drill.  There may be [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Hitting Drills

Soft Toss Softball Hitting Drills

How often do we set up hitting stations for the practice?  Every hitting practice seems to include soft toss hitting drills.  We even include them in the pre game warm up along with other hitting, [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Defense Drills

Soft Hands Softball Drill

It is important to field or catch the ball with soft hands when it is a quick grounder or the ball is thrown.  This Soft Hands softball drill will allow the players to work on [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Fly Ball Drills

Outfielder Drop Step Drill

Outfielder Drop Step Drill This drill is to learn to use the outfielder drop step properly and practice changing direction while keeping eyes on the ball. A coach is behind second base with a bucket [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Baserunning Drills

Leading Off after the Pitch Drill

Leading Off after the Pitch in Softball This leading off after the pitch in softball drill is perfect when you do not have a lot of time to practice with your team and they are [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Infield Drills

Infield Softball Drills

Infield Softball Drills INFIELD PRACTICE DRILL I call it ball juggling… An infield player stands in the ready position in the infield. The coach is about 15-20 feet away with 2 to 3 balls (1 [Read More]

Softball Throwing Towel Drill - softball drills
Softball Ground Ball Drills

Basic Softball Ground Ball Drill

At the beginning of the season, players need to get back into the habit of a quick pace for everything they do in the game.  This basic softball ground ball drill is perfect for the early [Read More]