Pitchers Mental Training Review
What kinds of things do you feel effect your pitching during games:
- External (ie: coaches, teammates, parents, noise etc.)
- Internal (ie: nervous, your own expectations, etc.)
List the following phases for your pitching Mechanics
- Preparation
- Execution
- Follow Through
How do you recover when you have a bad inning?
How do you prepare for games?
What can the coach or coaches do to assist your mental game?
What do you consider a good game for you?
What do you feel you would like to improve on for your pitching?
What do you consider a good game as a pitcher for anyone?
What do you consider a good game for you as a pitcher?
What do you consider a bad game for you as a pitcher?
Where do you see yourself in 2 years?
Overall how do you feel about your pitching?