Softball Multiple Bases Throwing Drill

Softball Offense Defense Drill

Throwing under pressure is a skill that is needed for almost every play in the game.  From the first contact of the ball by the offense to their attempts to advance bases and ultimately score, a throw will almost always be needed.  This softball multiple bases throwing drill will provide enough pressure to allow the players to use some mental skills to control their emotions and actions without making errors.

Softball Multiple Bases Throwing Drill

Line all of the players up at third base except for the first baseman who is at first base. Space 3 balls evenly between third base and home. When the coach blows the whistle, the player at the front of the line at third, sprints to the first ball and fires it to first base, followed by the second and then the third ball. (The first base player will need a bucket to drop the balls into as she receives them) As soon as the player fires the third ball, she sprints to second base and sets to receive a throw from first base. She immediately turns and fires it to a coach or parent at home plate. Do this in three rotations.

To add a little pressure, as soon as the first base player throws the ball to the player when she gets to second for the throw, hit the next ball to the next player at third while the first player who is at second base is throwing to home plate.  Add runners at home and third to give the throwers some purpose to their throws.  For safety, make sure however that if you add runners that they are wearing helmets.

Demonstrate this drill one time through as fast as you can to instill the importance of speed to make this drill effective.

Softball Multiple Bases Throwing Drill