Softball Fielding Charging Drill

Softball Offense Defense Drill

We ask our players to charge the ball during games all the time.  In order for them to field comfortable charging the ball we need to give them practice at it.  The also need to be learn which batted balls need to be charged and which ones should not be.  This softball fielding charging drill will give the players experience and confidence during games.

Softball Fielding Charging Drill

A good way to start off with this drill is to have someone to throw the ball and to catch. First you form a line about 30 to 40 feet away from the person that is throwing the ball. Tell the players just to charge the ball. Also tell them that they could expect almost anything. Grounder, Pop Fly, or a line drive right to them. Anything.

Once the players feel confident and have had some success with charging the ball and fielding it then a coach can hit the balls to them and gradually increase the speed of the ball as they improve.  This drill can be done for infielders and for outfielders.   Once they get the hang of it, have them start in their position that they would be during a game so that it is as realistic as possible.

Outfielders can use the run through or do or die fielding for charging the ball which will allow them to move right into the throwing position using their momentum.  Coaches might find that the closer to the plate the players are for this type of drill, the more nervous they might be.  If they are nervous they should either not play a position so close or as I said use a protective face mask.

This drill allows them to develop confidence and it teaches them to be ready for anything. And to always charge the ball when they can.

Softball Fielding Charging Drill