Softball Pitcher Position Handout

As you see in the softball pitcher position handout, it is important for you to design strategies early for when the game is not going so well for you. It is to be expected for example that when you first begin pitching there will be many balls thrown and even batters walked rather than strike outs occurring. You need to remember that this is part of the process and that you need to continue developing your mechanics and especially your mental game. To focus on the outcome or the number of batters you are striking out is a destructive process and will delay your improvement.

Softball Pitcher Position Handout – Duties

Backing up 3rd Base

  • if there is a runner going around third base, you need to go to the foul side of the base path between home and third base
  • you need to make sure if the ball gets past the third base player, you will stop it from going any further than where you are

Backing up Home Plate

  • if there is a runner at second base
  • if there are bases loaded
  • if there are runners at first & second base
  • if there is a runner at third base

In General

The softball pitcher position is the one that so many want to play when they start because you touch the ball the most in a game and you get to be in the game for every batter no matter what is happening. For this reason it can also be the most  stressful position as well.

This position

also requires more practice than most other positions but it is important as a youngster not to spend too many hours in the gym pitching because you will need that arm for the rest of your life.

The most important thing to remember in the softball pitcher position is to have fun. This is not an easy task if you are focused only on the outcome. Plan your success as a pitcher by focusing on the process.

softball pitcher position