Softball Infield WarmUp Drill

Softball Offense Defense Drill

We do not always have a lot of time to prepare on the field before games.  That is why this softball infield warmup drill is good to practice before using it in a game.  The quickness and the focus on the task is critical for it to work well in such a short time frame.  For this warm up, there are two fungo hitters hitting at the same time.  Outfield is taken with one fungo.

Softball Infield WarmUp Drill

Stage One: One coach on the from the first base line hits to the the shortstop and third base player.  The other coach on the third base line hits to the second base player and the first base player.

Stage Two:  The coach on the first base side hits ground balls to the third base player who throws to first base. The coach on the third base line hits ground balls to the second baseman and shortstop who work on turning the double play. They throw to a short first base player which can be your right fielder.

Stage Three: The coach on the first base side hits ground balls to the short stop who throws to first. The coach on the third base side hits ground balls to third and she throws to second for the double play as the second baseman throws to the short first baseman.

To finish off there is only one coach hitting ground balls to a drawn in infield with the following scenarios:

  • check the runner at third and go to first
  • field a ground ball and throw home as if the runner was trying to score
  • field a ground ball as if bases were loaded and throw to home and the catcher goes to first for the double play
  • field a slow roller where their only play is at first, and come off the field.

Softball Infield WarmUp Drill